Recloud Platform.

The platform that detects deviations for you

Recloud Platform
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How does it work?

Compara BIM con obra

Load the BIM model and the point cloud

Upload your files in IFC or PLY format. The platform itself will take care of decimating, reducing the weight of the point cloud and making the fit between both models.

Load the BIM model and the point cloud

Upload your files in IFC or PLY format. The platform itself will take care of decimating, reducing the weight of the point cloud and making the fit between both models.

Compara BIM con obra
Detecta desviaciones

Detect deviations between the two models

Examine the deviations found between the models, measure the differences and classify them.
Use the IN-OUT mode to examine the deviations that exceed the tolerance you specified or the Heatmap mode to observe the gradient of the differences.

Crea y comparte reportes

Create automatic reports

Download your reports in PDF or Excel format or share them directly from the platform, ready to make timely decisions.
Get a record of the evolution of the work and the deviations detected.

Create automatic reports

Download your reports in PDF or Excel format or share them directly from the platform, ready to make timely decisions.
Get a record of the evolution of the work and the deviations detected.

Crea y comparte reportes



Automatically detects all deviations between BIM and construction.

Heat Map Mode

It studies the gradient of deflections in terrains and surfaces.


Adapt to each phase of your project. Adjust the detection of deviations according to the project.

Change the display

Adjust the size of points, make cuts and change the opacity of the BIM model to focus on what matters to you.

Measures the

Calculate the differences between the BIM model and the construction site.

Stop counting KB

View, work and share large files in the cloud from any device.


3D Scan Community. 

3D Scan Community

Enjoy the benefits of our 3D scanning partner network from the platform:


The biggest risk is taking a risk.


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Barcelona - Spain